Saturday, October 19, 2013

Per Apsera, Ad Mediocritas

I am using a Reaper Bones Giantess to stand in for my Ogre Slaughtermaster.  This is the first time I have worked with the Bones plastic, and it is fairly nice.  The detail on this model is not as high as a lot of other metal and plastic, but I am not complaining.  I did not prime this model, I simply started painting directly onto the surface as suggest on the Reaper forum.  The behavior of the first couple of coats was definitely unique but nothing terribly painful.

For a good portion of the model, I directly applied the Army Painter Quickshade Strong Tone "Ink" with very positive results directly to the bare plastic.  This provided a partial basecoat and allowed me to see some more of the details on the white plastic.

I have some touch up and highlighting left to do on this model, but I am fairly happy with the way it is shaping up.