Saturday, October 19, 2013

Per Apsera, Ad Mediocritas

I am using a Reaper Bones Giantess to stand in for my Ogre Slaughtermaster.  This is the first time I have worked with the Bones plastic, and it is fairly nice.  The detail on this model is not as high as a lot of other metal and plastic, but I am not complaining.  I did not prime this model, I simply started painting directly onto the surface as suggest on the Reaper forum.  The behavior of the first couple of coats was definitely unique but nothing terribly painful.

For a good portion of the model, I directly applied the Army Painter Quickshade Strong Tone "Ink" with very positive results directly to the bare plastic.  This provided a partial basecoat and allowed me to see some more of the details on the white plastic.

I have some touch up and highlighting left to do on this model, but I am fairly happy with the way it is shaping up.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Sic Semper Terrainus!

Hello Everybody!

I have been working on painting one of my two arcane fulcrums that I have bought a couple of weeks ago. I believe that I have made enough progress to begin showing it off. Most of the work so far has been in the pedestal that rests at the top. At this point, I would consider it to be 100% complete. The tower its self still has a long way to go.

Sadly, I was even lazier taking pictures of this than I was with the work on my Bloodthirster. If you are interested in knowing the details of how I painted it to this point, ask and you may receive.

And now, without further ado...

If you haven't been able to tell yet, all of the photos on this blog so far have been taken with my iPhone 4. The only reason that I mention this is that I was too lazy to separate out the HDR and non-HDR versions of the photos.


Hello Everybody,  
Following the apparently monthly posting schedule, I have decided to create a new post. Also, I have decided to add a lightbox to the blog. To work it, you simply have to click on the images and they will (hopefully) open up in a lightbox on the same page. This effect should have been applied to every image on the site, but be advised that the results will not be optimal as all of the previous posts use MUCH larger full sized images than this one. I will continue to tweak the final image size to ensure that you can get enough detail in the larger sized view. 
And now, time for the post!

I have recently finished painting my Bloodthirster and naturally I have still to base him. It was acquired by Ryan from a local Half Price Books for super cheap ($7.00). After putting him together and priming him shortly after the previous post I decided to finally paint him and am quite happy with the results.

After priming him black, I laid down a coat of Mechrite Red. After that I went back over the armor and anything else that was not flesh with Chaos Black.

Not shown in the above pictures, I also went back over the webbing between the wings in Chaos Black. After finishing up with the initial black basecoat, I decided to start work on the armor. The dark iron chest piece was done using a drybush of Tin Bitz followed by a drybrush pass of Boltgun Metal. After wards, the armor was washed using Badab Black. The armor was finally trimmed using Dwarf Bronze followed by a wash of brown ink.

Another interesting bit of painting done on the model was working on the webbing in the wings. First it was based in Chaos Black and then given a very light drybrush of Astronomicon Grey. After the drybrushing, the wings were given a wash of Baal Red in an attempt to give the webbing the appearance of having very dark wings.

The final bit of interest in my opinion are the horns, hoofs, and talons on the wings of the beast. They were first base coated in Chaos black and successively drybrushed Bleached Bone in successive layers starting with a layer going most of the horn starting from tip to base. This was continued in successive layers to blend the black and white colors going covering less and less of the horn to make the tips brighter. Finally, the horns were given a brown wash and drybrushed one final time with bleached bone. This 'technique' was continued on hoofs and talons as well.

Finally, the pictures you are probably more interested in.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Long time no update!

It's been a while since the last update and a few things have happened. The first thing that happened was that I painted a High Elf Lord on a Griffon for Ryan. It was an awesome model that I wanted to paint, so I offered and this is the result.

The next thing that happened since the last update was that the Lord of Change featured in the first post of this blog has become broken (the wings broke off). So now what once looked like this:

now looks like:

I guess thats what happens when you dont pin your models. I have fully dismantled him and have begun the stripping process (thank the Maker for acetone). This time, I will pin him during the rebuild.

Finally, some new acquisitions were made thanks to some super deals at one of the friendly neighborhood Half Price Books. A Bloodthirster was procured by Ryan for a whopping $7.00. An additional $17.00 were spent by myself for some new toys for my Chaos Space Marines army.

I am nearing the completion of assemlbing my first pinned model, the Bloodthirster. I just need to prime it and paint it and then it will be ready to collect some SKULLS FOR THE SKULL THRONE!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Free RPG Day Results!

This past weekend has proven to be a pretty eventful one for gaming in general. Purchases were made. Models assembled. RPG modules read. All for a grand total $5.00 thanks to Free RPG Day 2011.

The books that I decided to pick up on Saturday morning are the Dungeons & Dragons "Domain of Dread: Histhaven" supplement in the picture on the left. The book on the right is the Savage Worlds "The Wild Hunt" testdrive rules.

I think the Domains of Dread supplement will prove to be a good source for inspiration for when I finally try to DM a game and I think that the Wild Hunt testdrive would make a pretty fun one or two session game to introduce the others in our gaming group to the Savage Worlds ruleset.

The final item that I picked up and the only real purchase of Saturday morning was Requius, Death Warden. Sunday afternoon was spent with a paintbrush in hand and the results can be seen below.

Monday, June 6, 2011


U'zuhl, the Skulltaker, has been completed. Explanations of the rudimentary techniques of myself to come soon. Pics below!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Contentless jabbering

Be prepared for my eternal struggle to cleanly paint and gainfully command the forces of Ulthuan!

Swordgay updates incoming...